Love, Joy, Peace...
About Us

We believe the Bible is God's perfect revealed truth for people. We can depend on it.

We believe that God revealed His character, purpose, and plan in the Old Testament. (That's the parts of the Bible written before Jesus.) And that He revealed the fulfillment of His plan of salvation in the New Testament. (You guessed it, that was written in the first few decades after Jesus!)

We believe that all people have rebelled against God. That rebellion is called sin. And just like rebelling against the laws of our nation, there are penalties. Rebelling against God results in death.

But because God is both just (requiring payment for sin) and loving and merciful, He provided a way for our sins to be forgiven. And that is by the undeserved death of Jesus Christ. When we acknowledge His rightful authority over us and depend entirely on what Jesus did to make us right before God, the Bible says we are forgiven of our sins and cleansed from ALL unrighteousness. That's Good News!

We believe that God is one God - singular, species unique. Everything else that exists was created by God. 

And we believe that God exists in three persons - God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. We call this the Trinity. That word is not found in the Bible, but it's how we describe what God reveals about Himself in the Bible. And if you're not sure how this works, you're in good company! God is an infinite being. It's rather hard for finite beings to comprehend HIm.

We believe that the Spirit of God lives in the believer. So God's presence is with us at all times.

We believe that when we die, we will be given new bodies and live in heaven with God. Us with God will be even better than God with us! We call this heaven. 

We believe that God desires all people to acknowledge His authority over them, receive forgiveness through Jesus' death, and live with God's presence. That's why we do our best to engage others to show them God's love for them, that we can share God's good favor of salvation. 

the Bible teaches us many more things, but these are the essential basics. We would love to talk with you about them!

Crosspoint Community Church Reno
4001 S. Virginia St. Ste D3, Reno, NV 89502
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